Saturday, December 14

Flowers of Peach Seed...

Hello my lovely blog readers!!!

         Got up in the morning suddenly and thought of blogging,
 that definitely meant i was sleeping these months.
 Yes friends...!!! 
I'm back from the loooong vacation. Its not that i have stopped doing crafts,
 Its just that less of time, more of laziness and loosing of my Camera made me crazy
 and forget my beautiful little blog and my great fans.

these days i am making flower flowers and just flowers
I will show you all my flowers in coming days,
Today I am showing you peach seed flowers...yess peach seed or peach pit.
Peach seeds are also called peach pits
I think some of you know about peach pit carving, aren't you???
if not then i am showing you some of them...

A peach pit carved as boat.

Peach pit carving

Peach seed carving

And now i am showing you.... 

My Peach seeds Flowers...

 These flowers are very easy to make...
  • I collect peach seed and boil them in water for 10 min.
  • then wash them with brush and dry.
  • when they get dried i paint first layer of acrylic paint on them.
  • when 1st layer dried i paint another layer on seeds.
  • then i sprinkle some glitter on wet paint and leave it to set.
  • made a background and arrange seed one by one on it to make a five or eight petal flower
  • thats it... 
And now A closer look of Flowers...

I recycle a thermocol box (packing box) and arrange flowers
in it and cover them with glass.
for the complete and clean look i wrap black tape
that look like its frame.

Isn’t it easy & fun idea? 
I am happy with this idea...
and what about you my friends??
If you love to eat peaches, like me..then start storing its seeds
so that you can make flowers or some other creative thing with them.
 I will also show you more works and dry flower arrangements of peach pits.
waiting for your comments...

Have a great weekend!

linking it to...DL.ART

Wednesday, June 12

Birthday Card for Him...

Hello Crafters..!
I am really happy these days because my blog is encouraging me 
to do more crafting activities, I spent daily some time on Pinterest 
to explore and learn more techniques of DIYs and crafts
And cards and I enjoy this. So i must say that
Pinterest is best...
Today my project is another card but....with a Twist.
If i say that this card is my first order, 
then its not wrong.
 I made this on my friend's order 
for her fiancee's Birthday. and she ask me to do some joke
or make fun with card...
so Take A Look that what i do...

I think Its a fancy fold card
 like a invitation card....Isn't it?

 And now the full view of card...

I really enjoy making this card because of
this sketch that I made by my own fair hands...hahaha.

I know its not a fine sketch but i its just
OK for me.

I add just one flower to this card
because its for a MAN not for Woman.

 when i give this card to my friend she was amazed and
also worried that If her fiancee will  angry on this joke and sketch...then???
its a tension for both of us (me and my friend).
lets see what happen...
I think my post is getting longer and longer.
I thanks to all my friends that visit here to see
and appreciate my work.
Thanks alot.
waiting for your lovely lovely comments...

linking it to....
city crafters challenge blog....All About Him
TTCRD...Anything goes
Party time tuesday...Fancy fold
Bearly mine challenge....anything goes
our daily bread designs...Masculine
perfect sentiment...Special man
stamp and doodle...For a male
simon says stamp...masculine
simple create too...For a male
paper crafting journey...masculine card
crafts 4 eternity...For the boy.
ABC christmas challenge... L for laugh

Friday, May 31

Match Box into Gift box

Hello Friends!!!
Here's a quick post to show you all a alter project
a match box into gift box...
Actually I just want to gift a set of earrings and necklace
to my friend. so i alter a match box to make a gift box.
I hope you will like my idea....
so take a look...

Thank you so much for visiting here...
waiting for your lovely comments.

linking it to...
seema craft...use a match box
the crafting cafe...lady luck
divas by design...tie a ribbon
simple creat too...Bingo (using N)
five simple things...anything goes
through the craftroom door...anything goes

Saturday, May 25

Fabric Flower (tutorial)

Here is the tutorial of fabric flower....

You need five equal sized square fabric pieces
 and needle and thread to make flower.
to make patel of flower, take one piece
 of fabric and fold its sides.

 now fold it downward. now you need needle to sew it.

 take the needle and insert the folded petal on it.
now make four more petals to make a flower.
 Tie the petals and sew it tightly.
 here is the flower after sewing.
Take a batton and sew it or glue it in the
 center of flower and the flower complete... 
isn't it simple and easy...???

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Waiting for your lovely comments...

Thank giving.

Hi friends....
I know its about a month or more that i haven't share anything
with all of you. sorry for that. 
actually after exams my mom sent me to a vocational institute 
where i am learning how to do cutting and sewing.
I was not interested in this activity but my mom...
so all my happy days which I was planed to do new works 
and then blog about them, all fail....
But today i find time to make a Thanks giving card for
 one of my best teacher who taught me in college. 
so take a look....
 The fabric flower is handmade by me.

 Sorry for the bad result of camra this time...

Thank you so much for stopping here...
please give your valuable comments about my card.

linking it to.
pile it on... felt or febric.
simple creat ( my word is "o") 
sister act card chellenge...anything goes
paper play time....button or brads

Wednesday, April 17

Handmade Key Holder.

 Hello My Lovely Friends and Followers!!!

These days I am very busy with my exams
of final year of Graduation.Although my
exams are not end yet, 5 done but still 4 to go...
Ohh bad time of a student...But
today I find find time to do some Crafting works
and after it, time to write a quick post to
 show you that what i do.So
Here is my new project....

A key chain holder....
Made up of thermocol  sheet(Packaging sheet)
some days ago one of my neighbor 
brought new refrigerator so I ask them to
give me some thermocol sheets which are inside 
the packing of refrigerator. So they give me some
of them and I Recycle them to make this key holder....
Thanks to my Neighbors...hahaha.
I find it very easy to make i also make tutorial to 
tell you how you can make your own 
key holder. 

(Firstly I want to tell you that i use about
 1 inch thick thermocol)
draw a sketch on thermocol (any shape or writing)
Cut your desired shape.cutting is
 little bit difficult 
but if you use a sharp 
cutter then it is not much difficult.

After cutting i use poster colors and
 then add Glitter to make it shiny.
then i add flowers at its edges.
At the end I inserted hooks in it.
thats it.

I hope you like it....
Now i just want to hear from you that 
what you say about it???
Thanks for stopping here...

linking it to...
crafty boots challenges:Recycle
created with love challenges:Recycle/Reuse
sister act card challenge:anything goes   
craft and me challenge:Bling it up.
 Seema Crafts: Alter it

Monday, March 11

Recycled Magazine Card

Hello my dear readers...!
 Today i want to share with you all a recycled magazine card and a photo frame. you have also seen my last recycled project which was photo frame made up of old magazines. but now i work little bit more on recycled magazine because i like this and the reason of liking this is that my lovely friends like and appreciate my work.
So without any other details just take a look.

 This is a birthday card for one of my dearest friend
when i think of making this card i remember that she likes
trees and greenery a lot so i decide to make a tree
with dry grass and green leaves.

 Inner side of the card.

It was my first try to make birds sitting on rope
but i think Birds looks very beautiful.
 and here is the photo frame just like the card.
you can find the tutorial of recycled  magazine here.

Thanks for visiting here...
looking forward to your comments.

Linking it to...
Great impression: Going green
Anything But a Card Challenge: Green
Digi haven: Green 
simply create too: ['USE MOSTLY GREEN']
crafy creations challenge: Green
My mum's craft shop:Spring has sprung
PTT#111- Luck of the Irish 
Whimsical designs:green,  glitter n sparkle: use some green 
Allsorts challenge blog :Spring has sprung,  Tuesday alchemy: Anything goes., 

Thursday, March 7

Awesome Teenager Blogger Award

Hello friends!!!
Here i got my 2nd award whish is awesome teenager blogger award from Hadiyah Stephens. she is also a teenager blogger. i am really very thankful to her for nominating me for this award. thanks Hadiyah.
actually Teenage Blogger Central is a blog dedicated to uniting teenage bloggers. It is also the host of the Awesome Teenage Blogger Award which is designed to help promote teenage bloggers all over the world and help us all get to know them a bit better. So... on to the rules.

1. Thanks the person who gave you this award and copy the rules to a new post on your own blog. 
2. Answer the 3 introduction questions and the 4 questions asked by the kind person who awarded you.
3. Tag between 1 to 100 other bloggers aged twenty years or younger.
4. Think of 4 more questions to ask your lucky recipients and inform them that they have won an award!

 Introduction Questions (To help us all to get to know each other!): 

Question # 1
 Which 5 words would you use to describe your personality? Is your blogging personality anyway different from your real-life one?
Ans: Yes I think my blogging personality is little bit Confident, and Serious but in my real life I am not like this I am Sensitive, Caring , Little bit irresponsible, Humorous, and VERY Talkative girl.

Question # 2
Where in the world do you live and who with?
Ans: I live in Pakistan with my Grandmother, Parents and Brothers.(I am the only girl of my parents).

Question # 3
 When did you start blogging and why?
Ans: I create my blog in July 2011 but then I was confused that if I can manage blogging with my studies or not??? but in September 2012 I close my eyes and jump in the world of blogging. i think its a good experience for me.

Extra Questions (the award winner will redesign these each time):

 Question #4
If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
Ans: my advice is...
Be talkative
Be a thinker,
Think positive
Live happy.

Question # 5
What's your dream future?
Ans: Its hard to explain. I think my dream future is that I will be a Social worker or a Educationist beside Blogger and I will have a family and live happily. 

Question # 6
What's a quote that inspires you?
Ans:A quote that inspires my and always i follow is.

18 to 25 is your real age,
complete your dreams whatever you have.

Question #7
If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?
Ans: if i write a book then its name will be Craft 360 and it will be related to my Crafts with tutorials.

Now to the nominees. I'll like to pass this blogger award onto:
  1.  Paris Mitchell
  2. Areeba siddique
  3. Noor    
And whoever else that is between 13-20 and wants to participate. You are all welcome to come along and take it. :)

 My 4 questions for you all to answer (plus the 3 introduction questions) are:
  1. whats your dream place to live after ten years? and why?
  2. Have you ever done anything dishonest/foolish? Did you learn from it?
  3. whats your favorite subject and worst subject at school? and why?
  4.  If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say? 
Its done.

I'd like to thank Ghazala at Enhancing Craft for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Thanks so much!

Thank you so much friends for stopping by.

Saturday, February 23

Photo Frame and Flowers Tutorial.

Here i am telling you how to
 turned pile of old magazines into a photo frame.

Take a magazine and separate its pages.
 then role the page and make a stick of paper.

Like this.
You can roll paper as needed.
then glue them and make your desired shape of frame.

Then decorate it with your favorite stuff..

This craft is easy and not expensive.
even kids can do this.

And Now Formic sheet Flower.
 Take a piece of formic sheet and make some cuts on this.
Remember this that you have to leave one end of the strip without
making cuts.

 Take a thin cloth and cover the stripe with it and iron it
It will become curvy now fold the end of strip and quill it like a flower.

 That's easy.
If you find any problem feel free to ask me.
I will love to answer you.