Thursday, August 14

Pakistan's Independence day

Its Pakistan's Independence day we Pakistani celebrate it with honor and joy.  today i am sharing a link of BBC documentary Its name is PARTITION-The Day India Burned. MUST WATCH. And here is the link... .this documentary shows the condition and situation of that time when people left their homes for their new homeland... that was the biggest migrations in history. 15 million were displaced and more than a million lost their lives. The story is told through the testimony of people who lived together for centuries, but were forced out of their homes as one of the largest and most ethnically diverse nations in the world was divided.
and now i am showing you some Love for PAKISTAN.....

 Pakistan's Flag with Quilling...

 skin painting and nail art only for the love of Pakistan

 delicious cake for Independence day

again Pakistan's flag
i hope you will love it......



  1. beautiful post, happy independence day my friend. keep sharing.. all pics r cute :)

  2. Hello again, Fatimah,
    this quilled Pakistani flag and the Pakistani flag cake are simply gorgeous!

    Mariangela ^___^


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